Janny Wong


Visit: www.JannyWong-Pottery.com

Email: jsywong@sympatico.ca


I started my pottery journey about 20 years ago. Initially for relaxation, potting has grown into enjoyment and has become part of my life.

Inspired by nature and diversity, I like to create pieces that have life and movement. I hope to bring joy and energy through the use of vibrant colors and bold designs.

I am constantly exploring and testing. Lately, I have been pushing the material to see how, and at what point, the clay elements will fuse and support themselves to create various forms and structures.

Exhibitions / Shows:

2010, 2014, 2016 : Toronto Potters’ Biennial Juried Exhibition

2012, 2014 : Contemporary Arts Dual Exhibition by Cedar Ridge Studio Gallery

2011 to 2013 : FUSION Fireworks 2011, the Biennial Juried Travelling Exhibition throughout Ontario

Photography by done by Janny Wong. #1a and 9 by Dale Roddick


Jamie Bennett


Joan Spears